Friday, May 27, 2011

9 weeks and counting!!!

So I have 9 weeks left and I am feeling pretty good. I had an appointment today and the doctor said I am measuring a week and a half early. Wouldn't that be great if it actually happened. I also have 7-8lbs left before I hit the dreaded 200 lbs so if I did go early like two weeks early and only gained a lbs a week I would not hit 200. Here's to hoping.

I look horrible in this picture but I told Cameron to take it because I keep forgetting to take pictures of my belly. Funny thing is I have a picture of me when I was 8 months pregnant with Carson and wearing the same shirt. I can't find it right now or I would have put both on there to see a comparison between my 1st and 3rd pregnancy.

Well I hope you are all doing great and I will keep you posted when we have the baby.
Have a great summer.

1 comment:

Bobi... said...

You are too cute!! ps... the 200 mark doesn't count when you're preggers! :)