Thursday, March 4, 2010

How I am doing

So I have NOT worked out at all. It is really hard. My excuse is that I have no time. I have been staying up until 12:30-1:00AM working on home work and when 6:00 rolls around I do NOT want to get out of bed to work out. I am doing well with not eating after 8:30 and not eating junk when my hubby is not around. Except for today, I ate a brownie. It's my birthday though so I cheated a little. But just the one time. I also am still struggling with eating lunch and writing down what I am eating. I need to just keep a little note book with me and when I eat something, write it down. *note to self*
All in all I am doing pretty crappy with this. Oh well. The two that bring in the most calories I am doing the best at.

Good job Bobi on working out consistently!!!!

1 comment:

Bobi... said...

Happy Birthday yesterday Danielle!! If it had been my birthday I think I would have eaten a lot more than a brownie! Nice job being strong! And good job with the no food after 8:30!