Monday, March 8, 2010

The Swing of Things

It's hard to leave and go on vacation for a few days when you are dieting and doing sooooo good. It's like you leave and then you start to think "no one will know...I don't have to be too careful...I will just work harder when I get back!" And that is exactly what I thought.

When you are away from home, you have the option of eating out or eating out. And so what did we do, we ate out every meal except for breakfast. (well we did on Saturday and it was yummy) By the time we got home Saturday night, I was ready to hurl. If I saw one more french fry, or smelled one more restaurant or fast food place, I swear I was going to be sick.

I didn't do too bad with the over eating. I chose the healthier things to eat when we ate out, but I still wasn't as strict with myself as I should've been. I weighed in this morning and I only gained 1.9 pounds back. So it shouldn't be hard to lose it again.

I woke up this morning at 5:50 and started my workout and boy did it feel good to work out. I have never enjoyed it as much as I did this morning.

1 comment:

Bobi... said...

Nice job getting right back into your working out. Sometimes we have to go on trips and eat out every meal so we can appreciate "healthy" food again. :)