Sunday, March 14, 2010


So today on the way home from church I saw a man riding his bike.....he has one leg. I thought to myself "if he can do it with one leg why can't I with two legs?" Cameron told me that he has seen him several times riding his bike and running on that road. It is not a nice flat is a bendy and hilly road. (I don't know if that is a correct sentence.) Well I am going to really try this week to do something more than just walk to class. I think I will try riding my bike.....and doing some abs. I always loved doing abs.

Have you ever heard of the Rick and Dick Hoyt? Well if not, and even if you have, maybe this will bring some more motivation your way. If not well it defiantly did for me.
It is a long video (10 minutes) but worth every minute.

Do you need a tissue?
If you want to know more about them just google Team Hoyt.

I hope you all have a successful week and I hope that I can report better progress for myself next Sunday.


Bobi... said...

I have seen this video before and was thinking that since I had seen it before, maybe this time I wouldn't need that tissue- I was wrong, I need a whole rool of TP! Thanks for the extra inspiration!

JoAnna said...

Totally need a tisue after that one! that for the inspiration. It really makes me think that I can do this and need to stop making excuses and that I don't spend enough time doing things with my kids.