Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ok, so I've been putting this off since Bobi invited me to the blog but here goes. It sickens me that my little sis (Bobi) seems to be much better at this than I am, that it the whole getting motivated with losing weight thing! I am at the heaviest that I have ever been and it is disgusting!! The problem is that I just love to eat out and not cook way to much! However, I have decided that I must do something about and get with the program. I'm planning a trip to the beach in July with my kids and I don't want to look like a beached whale! I want to not think about it and have a good time. Wish me luck with the not wanting to eat out as much part!! On the upside I did actually workout twice in the last 3 days.


Gurr Family said...

Good for you JoAnna. I haven't worked out once since we started Phatties!

Bobi... said...

Hey Jo!! Welcome, Phattie!! Good to see you on here! You can do it girl! You'll be lookin hot and sexy by July and the trip to the beach will be fantastic!

Unknown said...

welcome... we are so glad you are with us. I want to go to the beach with you! good luck with everything!